Come Join Us This Sunday In Person For Worship 請來參加我們的實體崇拜
Come Join Us This Sunday In Person For Worship 請來參加我們的實體崇拜
1. The Church believes that the entire Bible, including the New Testament and the Old Testament, was inspired by God; it is the only standard for the faith and practice of the Church and its believers.
2. We believe that God is the one and only true God. The triune God, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, equal in position, status, authority and glory; the God of creation, redemption and final judgment.
3. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, having the dual characteristics of God and man. Incarnated into the world, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He bore the sins of the world and was crucified on the cross as the sin offering for the world, that all who believe in Him shall be saved and, through the blood He shed, shall be deemed righteous. He arose from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven and became the intercessor for the believers. He shall come again to judge the world. His kingdom shall have no end.
4. We believe that the Holy Spirit has descended, dwells and works in the hearts of the believers to complete the work of salvation, guiding the believers into the truth that they may have the power to live a holy life.
5. We believe that man was created in the image of God but fell from a state of righteousness through disobedience. Sin and death have entered into the world, causing not only the death of the body but also the destruction of the spirit and soul and, thus, the separation from God. Only through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ can sinners be saved which is by grace through faith, and not from their works.
6. We believe that the bodies of the righteous and the evil shall resurrect; the righteous shall resurrect into a life of everlasting blessedness; the evil shall resurrect to face judgment and enter into eternal damnation.
7. We believe that there is only one church, which is the body of Christ. It includes all born-again believers from the past to the present. The greatest commission of the church is to spread the gospel, make disciples of all nations to the ends of the earth and to build up the believers.
1. 本教會篤信全部新舊約聖經都是神所默示,是教會及信徒信仰與生活唯一之準則。
2. 信神乃獨一真神,聖父聖子聖靈乃三位一體,同位、同等、同權、同榮, 是創造、救贖和最後審判的神。
3. 信耶穌基督是神的兒子,兼有神人兩性,道成肉身降世為人,藉童貞女 馬利亞由聖靈感孕而生。因擔當世人的罪死在十字架上,作世人之贖罪祭, 救贖一切相信祂的人,使我們靠著祂所流的寶血得以稱義。祂死後第三日 由死裡復活、升天作信徒的中保。將來祂必定再來審判世人,祂的國度無窮無盡。
4. 信聖靈已降臨,要進入居住並運行在信徒的心中作成重生的工作,又引導 信徒進入真理,得著能力過聖潔生活。
5. 信人是按著神的形象被造,後因悖逆而墮落;罪與死臨到世人,不僅身體 死亡,而且靈魂滅亡與神隔絶。只有藉著主耶穌代贖功勞方能得救,罪人 得救是本乎神恩,亦因人的相信,不是靠人的功勞。
6. 信義人與惡人身體復活,義人復活得永遠福樂;惡人復活受審判進入永刑。
7. 信教會是基督的身體,只有一個,包括古今中外一切重生得救的信徒。 教會最大的使命是廣傳福音,直到地極,並在真道上造就信徒。
The mission of Jireh Church is to worship God through all that we do, to make disciples of Jesus from all nations, to fellowship with God and other believers in Jesus Christ, to edify believers towards spiritual maturity, and to manifest God's love for all people.
The mission of Jireh Church is:
澤恩堂教會的使命是 :
Overseas Chinese Mission (abbreviated as OCM) was established in October 1961 by the founder Rev. and Mrs. Torrey Shih. God's blessing was upon the church and it grew in number and strength. It gained a reputation in NYC Chinatown as “The miracle on Hester Street”.
OCM Jireh Church is the second of the six branch churches established by OCM in the greater New York area. In 1986, the senior pastor of OCM, Rev. Jonathan Cheng, together with 9 families, began family meetings in Marlboro, New Jersey. In March 1988, OCM Jireh Church was officially established and Rev. Samuel Chiang began serving as senior pastor. Jireh Church rented facilities from several American churches. In 1993 we settled the church using the Matawan United Methodist Church in Aberdeen, New Jersey to hold worship services and to promote the gospel in central New Jersey. Since the inception of Jireh Church, every member of the large church family faithfully shared the good news both locally and abroad. We strived to proclaim the message that Jesus Christ came to save sinners and to lead people to establish a personal relationship with God. We began with fellow Chinese, then expanded to other nationalities. All the church members not only listened to the Words and were eager to learn, we also practiced the Words of God. We may speak different languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, English... but all who come to our midst, can feel the warmth and love of God.
We give great thanks to God for leading us back to where we originated. After Jireh Church being temporarily housed for 19 years, God granted us a new church facility in Marlboro, New Jersey and we began using it on January 7, 2007. It is our prayer that God will continue to bless His church and to lead the entire congregation to obey: “Christ is our life, the Church is our living”, to fulfill God's great commission.
中華海外宣道會(簡稱中宣會)係於1961年十月, 由名牧史祈生牧師、師母所創立,迄今已有四十七年的歷史. 因著神的賜福,中宣會的宣道事工蒸蒸日上,在紐約華埠被譽為 “喜士達街的神蹟”
澤恩堂是中宣會在大紐約區成立六個分堂中的第二個福音據點。 澤恩堂於一九八六年在新州Marlboro Town,由當時中宣總會的鄭隆保主任牧師和九個家庭,先從家庭聚會開始,直至一九八八年三月正式成立為教會,並請姜武城牧師擔任首任牧師。澤恩堂成立之初,曾先後租用不同的西人教會聚會, 1993開始固定使用MUMC(478 Atlantic Ave. Aberdeen ) 會址敬拜神,發展在中澤西的福音事工。中宣會澤恩堂成立迄今,全教會大家庭的成員一直忠心地,不僅在本地, 也在遠方傳揚耶穌基督拯救罪人的好消息,引領世人與耶穌基督重新建立一個親密美好的關係, 由華人起首,漸次推展到其他種族人士。全教會的成員個個不僅是聽道、學道、更是行道, 活出基督的生命來。雖然我們是一個有說各種語言會眾的教會(如國語、粵語、英語……等等), 但因著主同在的緣故,幾乎每一位被接觸到的人,內心都感受到主愛極大的溫暖……。
感謝主,中宣會澤恩堂在外漂流十九年之後,於1/7/2007, 教會新堂建造完成,主帶領我們重回教會的發源地(Marlboro Town, NJ), 求主繼續施恩引領,俾全體會眾願意虔守 “以基督為生命,以教會為生活”的原則,實踐主所交托的大使命。
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