Come Join Us This Sunday In Person For Worship 請來參加我們的實體崇拜
Come Join Us This Sunday In Person For Worship 請來參加我們的實體崇拜
Pastor Ben was born into a Christian home, and following Jesus was always very important to the family. It was in elementary school when Pastor Ben began to take his faith seriously, and began to sense a call to vocational ministry. Pastor Ben got his Bachelor in Business Administration from Baruch College in NYC, and then went to Gor
Pastor Ben was born into a Christian home, and following Jesus was always very important to the family. It was in elementary school when Pastor Ben began to take his faith seriously, and began to sense a call to vocational ministry. Pastor Ben got his Bachelor in Business Administration from Baruch College in NYC, and then went to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, MA where he got his Master of Divinity. Pastor Ben began his service in Jireh Church in October 2008 serving as English pastor. Starting in September of 2020, he took on the responsibility of interim senior pastor and was installed in August of 2022 as the Senior Pastor of Jireh Church. Pastor Ben’s aim in ministry is to love the Lord with all his heart, and lead the church to love the Lord and to love one another, as Jesus commanded us. The main task for Pastor Ben is to equip brothers and sisters to be joyful disciples of Jesus Christ, and so enjoy the blessings of shepherding others. Pastor Ben is married to Lisa, and together, they have four grown children: Jeremiah, Bethany, Hannah, and Josiah. Pastor Ben’s non-pastoral interests include music, auto and home maintenance, and long-distance road trips. If you have any pastoral needs, you may email, or call at (732) 431-2828.
林牧師在一個基督教家庭出生,跟隨耶穌對這個家庭來說是非常重要的。在小學時,林牧師就開始認真對待信仰,並 開始有全職事奉的呼召。林牧師在紐約市立大學柏魯克分校(Baruch College)取得工商管理學士學位,然後到麻省的 戈登康威爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)獲得了神學碩士學位。林牧師於2008年10月開始在澤恩堂事 奉,擔任英文部牧師。從2020年9月起,他開始擔任代任主任牧師,並於2022年8月被任命為澤恩堂的主任牧師。 林牧師的目標是全心愛主,帶領教會愛主並彼此相愛,正如耶穌所吩咐的。林牧師的主要工作是裝備弟兄姊妹成為耶 穌基督喜樂的門徒,從而享受牧養他人的祝福。 林牧師與Lisa結婚,共有四名成年子女。Jeremiah、Bethany、Hannah和 Josiah。林牧師的興趣包括音樂、汽車和房屋維修,以及長途公路旅行。 如果您有任何教牧上的需要,您可以寄電郵到,或至電給:(732) 431-2828。
Pastor Sum was born in Hong Kong. During his high school years, he studied in Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School. Through God’s guidance, he attended fellowship in school. From there, he learned about Christianity and accepted Jesus as his personal savior. In December 1979, he was baptized into the name of Christ at the Lutheran Life
Pastor Sum was born in Hong Kong. During his high school years, he studied in Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School. Through God’s guidance, he attended fellowship in school. From there, he learned about Christianity and accepted Jesus as his personal savior. In December 1979, he was baptized into the name of Christ at the Lutheran Life Church on Christmas Day. In 1989, he graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University with a Bachelor’s Degree in music composition. He studied in the United States in 1990, and received Master’s Degrees in music and computer science from Texas State University in 1992 and 1995. After graduation, he worked as a computer software engineer and software development manager. In May 2012, he graduated from Capital Bible Seminary with a Master of Divinity and served as a Minister at Maryland Chinese Christian Church in Maryland during 2013-2014 and 2017-2020. Minister Wong began serving as a Minister of the Chinese congregation at OCM Jireh Church in September 2020. His prayer is that the members of Jireh Church will firmly follow Christ, diligently study God’s word, joyfully serve God, love one another, freely share the gospel, and glorify the name of God through their testimonies. In 1992, he married Kerry. They have two daughters together, Celestine and Clara. Apart from listening to classical music and Christian songs, he prefers to do carpentry, home improvement, or car maintenance. He enjoys the outdoors, but not necessarily yard work. If you have any pastoral needs, you may email or call (732) 431-2800.
黃柱森牧師生於香港,中學時期就讀元朗基督教信義中學,在神的帶領下參加了學校團契,在當中認識基督教信仰並 接受耶穌為他個人的救主,1979年12月聖誕主日在信義會生命堂接受洗禮歸入基督的名下。1989年畢業於香港浸會大 學音樂系,1990 年赴美留學,1992年和1995年在美國德州州立大學分別取得音樂作曲和電腦碩士學位,畢業後曾任 電腦軟件工程師和軟件部經理,2012年5月在美國華府首都神學院道學碩士畢業,曾於2013-2014和2017-2020期間在 馬利蘭華人基督教會牧會,2020年9月進入中宣會澤恩堂成爲中文部的牧者。祈盼弟兄姊妹一起緊緊地跟隨基督,用 心學習神的話語,歡喜快樂的服事神,彼此相愛,廣傳福音,以他們的見證來榮耀主名。 於1992年與黃廣珍師母成婚,育有二女,長女黃歷恩和幼女黃歷虹。興趣除了聆聽古典音樂和基督教詩歌外, 他較喜歡做點木工, 家居改善事宜, 或汽車維修的工作。喜歡享受外界環境,但不太喜歡院子里的工作。 如果您有任何教牧上的需要,您可以寄電郵到,或至電給:(732) 431-2800。
Pastor Edward was born and raised in NYC. He first heard about Jesus at the Reformed Church of Newtown in Elmhurst, NY. During Chinese School, two CEF workers would ask if children wanted to hear about Jesus. Pastor Edward would always raise his hand so he could escape from Chinese school. In 2002, he attended Newtown’s VBS program, J
Pastor Edward was born and raised in NYC. He first heard about Jesus at the Reformed Church of Newtown in Elmhurst, NY. During Chinese School, two CEF workers would ask if children wanted to hear about Jesus. Pastor Edward would always raise his hand so he could escape from Chinese school. In 2002, he attended Newtown’s VBS program, JoyCamp, and it was there where he came to have true faith in Jesus. Though there were many ups and downs during middle school, high school, and college, Jesus had never let Pastor Edward go. In 2010, during his sophomore/junior year of college, Pastor Edward felt the call to pastoral ministry. After graduating CUNY-Hunter College in 2013, he began preparing for seminary. In 2015, he began attending Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC, flying down once a month until 2018, when he and his wife moved down so that he could dedicate his time to full-time studies, receiving his Master of Divinity and Master of Arts, Religion degrees in May 2021. In June 2020, Pastor Edward received a Facebook message from Pastor Ben. They scheduled a phone call to catch up, and by God’s providence, he was called to be the pastor of Youth and College at Jireh Church in 2021. Pastor Edward primarily serves the youth and college students of Jireh Church. He oversees the Friday night youth group meetings with the youth student leaders and youth adult leaders. He also regularly visits the youth students to build relationships outside the church building. He also visits colleges to build relationships with college students, too! He also tries to meet with members in Jireh Church because relationships are very important for Pastor Edward. Pastor Edward is married to his great wife, Yolanda, and they have a great dog named Nyla. He loves eating sushi, playing music, and hopes do woodworking in the future. He is also fascinated by vertical farming. He also has many books. Haha! If you have any pastoral needs or questions about youth/college ministry, you may email, or call (917)379-1775.
奚牧師在紐約出生和長大。他第一次聽到耶穌是在紐約皇后區的新城歸正教㑹。在上中文學校期間,兩名CEF兒童事 工人員會問孩子們是否想聽耶穌。奚牧師總是舉手,這樣他就可以逃離中文學校。2002年,他參加了新城教㑹的VBS 暑期聖經學校JoyCamp,在那裡他開始對耶穌有真正的信心。雖然在初中、高中和大學期間經歷了許多起起落落,但 神總不放棄奚牧師。 2010年,在大學二年級/大三時,奚牧師感受到牧養事工的呼召。2013年從紐約市立Hunter大學畢業後,他開始為進 入神學院做準備。2015年,他開始就讀於北卡Gordon-Conwell神學院,每月都有一次飛往北卡上課。2018年,他和妻 子搬到了夏洛特全時間進修。他於2021年5月獲得了神學碩士學位和宗教文學碩士學位2020年6月,奚牧師收到了林牧 師的書臉消息。他們約了一個時間通電話,在神的旨意下,他於2021年被呼召成為澤恩堂的青少年和大學生的牧師。 奚牧師主要服侍澤恩堂的青少年和大學生。他和幾位青少年領袖和成人助理負責每週五晚上的青少年團契.他定期探 望青少年學生,在教堂外建立關係。他還訪問大學校園與大學生建立關係!他也與澤恩堂的成員會面,因為關係對奚 牧師來說是非常重要的。 奚牧師娶了他出色的妻子張文彦師母,他們有一隻名叫Nyla的好狗。奚牧師喜歡吃壽司,演奏音樂,他希望將來可以 做些木工。他還對垂直農業著迷。他也擁有太多的書。哈哈! 如果您有任何教牧上的需要或對青少年/大學事工有任何疑問,您可以寄電郵到,或至電 給(917)379-1775 。
Eric Chow was born in Hong Kong. He accepted Christ at Brooklyn Alliance Church in 1990, was baptized in 1991, and began to participate in various services at the church. He met his wife, Agnes Chow, in the church and they have two daughters, Kristen and Kaitlyn. In 2012, he started attending meetings and serving in Jireh Church. Obtained
Eric Chow was born in Hong Kong. He accepted Christ at Brooklyn Alliance Church in 1990, was baptized in 1991, and began to participate in various services at the church. He met his wife, Agnes Chow, in the church and they have two daughters, Kristen and Kaitlyn. In 2012, he started attending meetings and serving in Jireh Church. Obtained a Master's Degree in Biblical Literature (New Testament) from Alliance Theological Seminary in 2020 and a Master's Degree in Christian Vocation from Hong Kong Alliance Bible Seminary in 2021. He is studying for the Master of Divinity degree at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. This is his second term as an ECC in the Christian Education Department, responsible for Sunday school and other spiritual growth training courses in Chinese and English congregations. His hobbies are reading and traveling. If you have any needs or suggestions in the Christian Education department, you may email
Growing up in Hong Kong, Edmund attended a Christian elementary school and a Catholic high school, and was exposed to Christianity in his religion classes. His eldest brother and two sisters, who became Christians, also influenced my faith. However, it was not until he applied for a student visa and had gotten rejected that he learned
Growing up in Hong Kong, Edmund attended a Christian elementary school and a Catholic high school, and was exposed to Christianity in his religion classes. His eldest brother and two sisters, who became Christians, also influenced my faith. However, it was not until he applied for a student visa and had gotten rejected that he learned how God listens to and answers prayers. It was by God’s miracle that his visa was approved the second time. In college, Edmund regularly attended a Bible study group. After ten months, he professed his faith in Jesus and was baptized. In 1997, he and his family moved from Woodridge, NJ to Colonia, NJ. They began searching for a new church family to belong to. Having gone to Chinese Evangelical Mission Church in Pearl River, NY, a pastor friend recommended that they reach out to Rev. Samuel Chiang. They attended OCM Jireh Church for the first time in Matawan. With much consideration and prayers, they decided to make Jireh Church their home church. Edmund serves as the General Affairs ECC member, class of ‘26. He is responsible for building maintenance and logistics, lunch operation group, and Sunday church clean-up, among other things. He also serves as the coordinator for the audio and video team for Jireh’s Chinese services. This team provides live streaming and audio/video services for church events throughout the year. Additionally, he serves as a staff member for the Mei Ying fellowship. He is married to his wonderful wife, Nancy, and they have two children together, Irene and Ivan. In his spare time, he enjoys performing car maintenance on his vehicles. He likes to exercise on his bicycle trainer. He loves photography and taking pictures of his family, and any other occasions—vacations, family/church parties and events. If you have any needs in the General Affairs department, you may email
朱家龍弟兄在香港長大,分別在基督教小學和天主教中學就讀,在宗教課上接觸到基督教。他的哥哥和兩個姊妹都成 為了基督徒,也影響了他的信仰。然而,直到他申請學生簽證被拒後,他才知道神是聽禱告和回應祈禱的。正是由於 神的奇蹟,他的簽證第二次得到了批批准。在大學裡,朱弟兄定期參加查經班。10個月後,他信主並受洗。1997年, 他和家人從新澤西州的Woodridge搬到Colonia。他們開始另覓教會參與聚會。透過一位在紐約Pearl River華人教會的牧 師朋友介紹去找姜武城牧師。他們在Matawan第一次參加中宣會的聚會。經過深思熟慮和禱告,他們決定讓澤恩堂成 為他們屬靈的家。 朱弟兄擔任總務部執行同工至2026年。他負責建築物維護及後勤工作、午餐安排、和主日的教堂清潔等工作。他還擔 任中文堂崇拜的音響影視團隊的負責人。這個團隊全年為教會活動提供現場直播和影音服侍。此外,他還擔任美音團 契的職員。 朱家龍娶了他出色的妻子洪菁菁,他們育有兩個孩子,朱恩恩和朱啟恩。在工餘時間,他喜歡為自己的車輛進行維修 、在電動單車上運動、攝影、為家人拍照,和參與旅行、家庭和教會的聚會和活動。 如果您對總務部有任何需求,可以寄電郵到。
Hui's journey of faith began during her college years in China. Through a Summer English program, she encountered American Christians whose joy, care, and openness deeply impacted her. This experience sparked her interest in Christianity. While studying in the United States in 1998, she participated in a local Bible study class near the u
Hui's journey of faith began during her college years in China. Through a Summer English program, she encountered American Christians whose joy, care, and openness deeply impacted her. This experience sparked her interest in Christianity. While studying in the United States in 1998, she participated in a local Bible study class near the university, initially to improve her English. However, she soon discovered the Bible wasn't just a collection of stories, but a revelation of God Himself. In 1999, Hui accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior and was baptized with her husband, Zhibing, at Linden Villa Baptist Church in 2000. In 2008, the family moved to NJ and joined JIREH Church. She gradually served in various ministries. Guided by the profound truth of 1 Samuel 16:7b – "For the Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" – Hui approaches her new role as Treasurer of the ECC Class of '28 with humility and reliance on God's grace. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated as Hui embarks on this new chapter of service. Hui and her husband, Zhibing (Ben), are blessed with two children, Mary and Michael, who have also grown up in JIREH and currently are college students outside of NJ. If you have any feedback in the Treasury department, you may email
趙暉姊妹的信仰之旅始於她在中國的大學時代。因一個暑期英語口語強化班,她接觸了一群來自於美國的基督徒。他們的喜樂、真誠和關懷深深地打動了她。這段經歷激發了她對基督教的興趣。1998年在美讀書期間,她在先生的建議下參加了大學附近當地的聖經學習班,最初是她只是為了提高英語水平。然而,她很快就發現聖經不只是一系列故事,而是神自己對人的啟示。 1999年,她接受了耶穌基督為救主,並於2000年與丈夫志兵在伊利諾州的Linden Villa Baptist Church受洗。2008年,全家搬到新澤西州,加入了澤恩堂。逐步參與教會的各種事工。她深信在教會的事奉時要謹記聖經中的教導「耶和華看人不像人看人,人是看外貌,耶和華是看內心」(撒母耳記上16:7b)。趙暉是財務部的執行同工,任期到2028年。財務部的工作許多方面對她來說是新的領域和挑戰,她知道必須'完全謙卑地依靠神的恩典才能承擔這份事工。在她踏上這段新的服事旅程之際,非常感謝您的禱告與支持。趙暉和她的丈夫陳志兵(Ben)育有一女一子,陳兆佳和陳兆和,他們在澤恩堂長大, 目前在外地求學深造。
In 2002, Jason came to faith in Jesus Christ while he was attending Bergen Christian Testimony Church in New Jersey. He was first invited to Jireh Church in 2015 by Shawn Wang, and he joined the Mandarin-speaking Song Yin Fellowship soon after. Jason is an IT professional. He loves most outdoor activities, singing, boating, and traveli
In 2002, Jason came to faith in Jesus Christ while he was attending Bergen Christian Testimony Church in New Jersey. He was first invited to Jireh Church in 2015 by Shawn Wang, and he joined the Mandarin-speaking Song Yin Fellowship soon after. Jason is an IT professional. He loves most outdoor activities, singing, boating, and traveling on cruises with friends. Jason is married to his lovely wife, Stacy, and they have three children together: Edmond, Max, and Tiffany. Jason serves as the Fellowship ECC member, class of ‘25. The fellowship department supports the various fellowship groups at Jireh Church to carry out the ministry of fellowship. He helps plan and coordinate the annual fellowship activities, e.g. the church picnic, the Thanksgiving love feast, the summer retreat, and the Christmas celebration. If you have any needs in the fellowship department, you may email
2002 年,鈕佳明弟兄在參加新澤西州的卑爾根基督教見證教會時開始相信耶穌基督。 2015年,他第一次被Shawn Wang邀請到澤恩堂,不久就加入了頌音團契。 鈕弟兄是一名 IT 專業人員。 他最喜歡戶外活動,唱歌、划船、和 朋友一起乘遊輪旅行。 鈕弟兄與他的愛妻周春結婚,他們育有三個孩子:Edmond、Max 和 Tiffany。 鈕弟兄是 2025年班團契部執行同工。 支持教會各團契的開展和事工。他幫助計劃和協調年度團契活動,例如教會夏令會、教堂野餐、感恩節愛宴、和聖誕節慶祝活動等。 如你有任何有關團契部的問題,請電郵。
Wai was born and grew up in a very poor area in Hong Kong. He had bad experience with religion but God had put him into a Christian high school. He was a problematic teenager in the first few years of high school and failed academically. This had not changed him. Wai attended a summer conference in 1976 and accepted Christ as his Savior a
Wai was born and grew up in a very poor area in Hong Kong. He had bad experience with religion but God had put him into a Christian high school. He was a problematic teenager in the first few years of high school and failed academically. This had not changed him. Wai attended a summer conference in 1976 and accepted Christ as his Savior after listening to the gospel message from Pastor David Ng. In September 27, 1977, Wai was baptized into the name of Peace Evangelical Center and God changed him completely. Not only he started serving in church, he studied hard and was accepted into the Engineering School of the Hong Kong University. God found that it is not good that Wai should be alone, so He made Yvonne as his helper in 1986. Wai and Yvonne moved to US in 1992 and had been attending and serving in Jireh Church. They have a daughter (Stephanie) and a son (Justin), both working and living out of state. God also provided a job to Wai that he loves, he is in charge of strengthening the Anti-
Money Laundering program for a foreign bank. Outside work, Wai loves to travel and all kinds of sports. Wai is also very handy and can fix everything in the house, the only thing he doesn’t know how to do is laundry. Wai will start serving as the Worship ECC member in 2024. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email
吳偉權弟兄出生和成長於香港一個貧困的木屋區。自幼對宗教很抗拒但神卻安排他入讀一間基督教中學。淪為邊緣青年的他甚至要留班,但這一切沒有改變他。七六年的暑假跟朋友去夏令會透過吳主光牧師的褔音信息決志信了耶穌,並於七七年九月廿七日受浸加入平安福音堂。靠著耶穌的改變他不單熱心在教會事奉,還考進了香港大學的工程學院。神看這人獨居不好,八六年為他預備了瑞芳姊妹與他同行。九二年移居美國後一直在澤恩堂聚會和事奉。神賜給他們一對子女,綽恩和卓深都是在外州工作和居住。神亦為他安排一份喜愛的工作,在一家外資銀行負責強化反洗黑錢的工作。工作和教會以外偉權弟兄熱愛旅遊和運動。偉權弟兄各方面的手藝究都很精湛,除了洗衣服。偉權弟兄 2024 年起會負責教會的崇拜部,如果你有任何關於崇拜部的查詢或建議,請以電郵聯絡
In 2000, Michael started going to Ling Liang Church in the Lower East Side section of Manhattan in New York City. He was brought there by his then girlfriend, now-wife, Eva. When the English congregation disbanded, they started attending Trust In God Baptist Church located in New York City’s Chinatown. After much thought and realizatio
In 2000, Michael started going to Ling Liang Church in the Lower East Side section of Manhattan in New York City. He was brought there by his then girlfriend, now-wife, Eva. When the English congregation disbanded, they started attending Trust In God Baptist Church located in New York City’s Chinatown. After much thought and realization that he couldn’t handle things on his own, Michael accepted Jesus Christ into his heart and was baptized in 2003. All of this was made possible by various seeds that were planted by his wife and other brothers and sisters in Christ. They eventually moved to East Brunswick, NJ in 2006. After many years of commuting to New York to attend worship services, God led them to Jireh Church in 2018. Michael is married to Eva and they have two children: Kayla and Matthew. He currently serves as Secretary ECC member, class of ‘25. He is responsible for keeping official church records and documents, preparation for and attending essential meetings, administering the ECC nomination and election process, maintenance of the library, handling general advertisements, maintaining the church directory, and overseeing the website. He enjoys gardening, volunteering, and occasionally putting together a Lego set. If you have any needs in the Secretary department, you may email
在他當時的女朋友(現在的妻子)梅綺華邀請下,翁一凡弟兄在2000年開始參加在紐約下城的靈糧堂。不久那邊的英 文堂解散了,他們就轉到在唐人街的賴神浸信會。經過許多思考和認知自己不能處理所有事情,他決意接受主耶穌來 住在他心中,在2003年受了洗。這都是因他妻子和主內弟兄姊妹所播下褔音的種子。後來在2006年他們搬到新澤西州 的East Brunswick。在2018經過多年開車到紐約聚會,神帶領他們一家到了澤恩堂。 他與梅綺華姊妹有兩個孩子、Kayla和Matthew,都有參加青少年和兒童團契。他現在是文書部的執行同工,任期到 2025年。他負責保存教會的正式記錄和文件,準備和參加重要的會議,管理執行同工提名和選舉過程,管理圖書館, 處理一般廣告,維護教會目錄並監督教會網站。 他喜歡園藝,樂於擔任義工,偶爾還會玩Lego模型。 如你有任何關於文書部的需要和建議,請電郵。
If you have any needs in the Mission department, you may email