Come Join Us This Sunday In Person For Worship 請來參加我們的實體崇拜
Come Join Us This Sunday In Person For Worship 請來參加我們的實體崇拜
Our Community Outreach and Evangelism team had a good time handing out gospel tracts on Saturday morning, May 25, 2024 near the Asian Market in Marlboro. The team consisting of nine sisters and brothers from Jireh Church handed out 112 tracts and talked to 75 people in beautiful sunny weather. Though there were not many children, we still gave out about 20 balloon animals. "Praise God, the sisters are pros!" said the team leader, Danny Chin. It was a successful day of spreading the gospel despite less than normal foot traffic because of Memorial Day weekend. Praise God for opening the hearts and minds of the community to accept the telling of the Good news. Praise God for His guidance in planning the past 6 months and the joy of sharing our faith today. We look forward to the next outreach event in June and hope to see an even larger turnout.
I had the privilege of bringing the Word here at Nuova Vita a number of weeks ago as we come to the final section of the book of Genesis. But its been an even greater joy to study the passage of Scripture together with the guys every Tuesday morning and share insights on finding the main theme of the text, effective ways to preach it, etc. For me, when they grow as preachers, the team wins.
I also administered the Lord's Supper for the first time here last Sunday. What an honor and a delight it is to lead the saints in this sacred meal instituted by our Lord Himself.
The lion share of my Sunday morning duties these days. Thank you for praying in this area because the Lord is answering your prayers. Leading God's people in song (in Italian!) is becoming more of a blessing than a burden! Literally, as Sunday approached I would be filled with stress, uncertainty, fear of failure and embarrassment (getting the picture yet?). But as of three or four Sundays ago, the music is coming much more easily and freely! Our last 4 Sundays have really been blessed. I actually learned a new song in Italian in only a few days. Please pray that this trend continues!
We held evangelism training at our house here in Baronissi. A dear brother and friend from a church we partner with came and did some training with about 16 people from our church. He did an excellent job and it was very clear, inspiring and encouraging. Grazie mille Danilo!
We have been struggling with constant sickness here at the Garofalo household. We have both been sick, on and off, since mid-March! Please pray for healing and restoration.
Yes, wonder. The picture above of Mary and I with Antonio and Nunzia (our fellow gospel-workers and dear friends) was taken in Naples, under the shadow of Vesuvio, the famous Volcano. Nonno Santo was born and raised in a city at the foot of that volcano. And now I have the privilege of ministering the gospel and discipling others under its shadow as well. Thank you so much for your continued support, prayers, encouragement and many expressions of love in Christ. Please pray that we would continue to abide in Christ so that we would bear much fruit for His glory here in southern Italy. As Mary likes to say, 'Ciao for now.'
Hi there my friends!
Thank you all for supporting me for the Indonesia STM this summer and joining me on this journey! Our team is in the middle of prepping all the materials needed for the VBS and the Staff Retreat so that they can be sent for translation by the beginning of June. The theme for the VBS will be on Identity in Christ, and the theme for the staff retreat will be Inner Healing & Unity.
I'm excited to be prepping for the staff retreat, where I'll be teaching a session on The Father's Hearts & the Orphan Spirit (....or something along those lines! Still figuring it out haha). This is something that I, myself, have been learning about over the past year. I feel like I'm approaching the Father's heart & the orphan spirit as a total newbie. When I had initially saw the topic, my heart leapt, and all I thought was, "YESSSS! I love it! I want to teach it!" because it's been such an important lesson I've been learning myself! Buuutttttt, now I find myself struggling to bring my thoughts together because it's still so new for me. The educator in me keeps thinking, "The best way to learn is to teach!!!" And I do want to grow in my understanding of the Father's heart! So would you pray as I prep this teaching, hopefully by the end of the month! I keep asking God, "What do You want the staff to hear about this topic?" Would I hear God's leading in this. Pray that He pulls together this session in a way that would be helpful to the staff.
Also, these next two weeks are super busy because it's the end of the school year as well. I definitely feel my stress levels rising as I think about all I need to get done for school and for the Indonesia STM. Pray that I rest on God when I feel overwhelmed by all I need to get done and trust that He will give me the time and bandwidth I need to accomplish the tasks He has set before me.
Lastly, please be praying for the 20 or so staff who will be attending the retreat. They are staff at the orphanage, school, and church. The pastor there shared with us that there are conflicts and struggles with unity among the staff, many issues arising from difficult childhoods or family life that have shaped them and continue to affect them. This is why he wanted us to cover inner healing. Please pray that God would be working in their hearts even now, preparing them for the inner healing topics--that they would have soft, receptive hearts, that they would already be longing for inner healing & wholeness in their lives. Pray that God would bring humility and unity among the staff as they serve together.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Reaching international students for Christ begins with praying for them, taking initiative to meet them, building authentic friendships with them, and showing them warm-hearted hospitality.
In this module you will learn about some significant challenges international students experience when adjusting to a new culture - and how you can help them successfully make those adjustments.
In this module you will discover how to use the power of story to communicate God's life-changing truths and life-transforming work, with international students.
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